The question is as a real estate professional do appearances matter? In my humble opinion appearances do matter but not the same way that many people think about it. For example if you have a $200,000 automobile it may seem very odd to be driving that vehicle to real estate appointments. Similarly your clients may think it's very odd if you are driving a vehicle that can barely roll down the road without falling apart. I think all the vehicles in between that are fair game and it is all about the relationship that you create with the client and not about the appearance of your automobile. However, if you do show up in a $200,000 vehicle you may want to have a story that goes along with it :-)
However, clothing is a different story and I would like to know what others think about clothing as well. I think your clothing needs to match the style of home that you're showing. So if you're showing $1 million home, then you need to dress appropriately for it but that certainly doesn't mean that you need to dress in an expensive suit or have an $800 pair of shoes.
When meeting your client for the first time it is always very difficult to know exactly what style of clothing to wear. I usually choose to wear business casual so I am dressed neatly but no necktie and I might have a nice coat on but not a suit coat. I have found over the years this is usually very acceptable for at least the first meeting. However, if I was meeting the client in an upscale office building I would make sure that I dressed appropriately for the location.
No doubt appearances matter. What do you think?
You can view my video on this topic at this link
